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How to Breed and Take Care Guppies

how to breed guppy fish
All right so you want to breed Guppies. Now in my opinion Guppies are the best tropical fish out there for beginners and they're my personal favorite simply because they're so easy to take care of and breed. Now if you want to bring up is as simple as shucking a couple males and females into a tank and giving them like a month or two and then you'll have little fry swimming around. But in my experience I've found a few ways that you can get the most fry and the best quality.

There are two things that you need to know about fancy guppy fish is that they are tropical fish so they will need a heater and they'll need the water about 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. But the other thing you need to know is they will eat their fry like most other fish. There are two ways that you can breed Guppies is  one you can leave the fry in the tank with the parents or two you can take the fry out.

Now I found with my past experiences that it's best to take the fry out because that way you can cull out any of the bad ones with bad spines and things and you can also read the color but you'll get the most amount of fry and you get the most control over how you raise the fry and which ones you continue to breed with. But the other way you can leave them in the aquarium now if you want to do this you will need lots of hiding spots for the fry to escape the parents and not be eaten and you'll need to feed the adults in the tank more simply because then if they're if they're full and they're not hungry they won't have the urge to go and eat their babies.

Now tank setup you'll need the basics.  You'll need a filter, heater, lights optional but I'd recommend it if you're gonna have plants in there. The water parameters you'll want the pH around 6.5 to 8 and you obviously want like nitrates at zero but for parameters I wouldn't worry too much about with Guppies just simply because they're so easy to take care of. But if you are going to have Guppies in like the fry in with the parents you'll want to have plants like java moss water wisteria just anything you can use to get the guppies babies to hide from the parents. 

All right awesome, so you've had your Guppies for a couple of weeks and you've noticed that some of your females are pregnant. Now there are two ways that you can raise the fry. Obviously you can leave them in the tank and just feed them and let the females have a fry and let them do anything.

how to breed guppy fish in aquarium

But what I like to do is I'll use a breeding box  for keeping the babbies. This is very getable with the price about ten dollars. It floats on the top of the aquarium and you can put the female in the top compartment and she'll have a fry the fry for through the grill and then she cannot eat them. You can take the fry to put them in a separate aquarium and do whatever you want with them.

Now how do you know when your females gonna give birth?  well you'll notice that she's very stressed and she's breathing very fast.  She's refusing food she's quite massive and fat and she's also gonna isolate herself and hide in the corners of the tank. You have to be very careful and look for this because if she does have a fry and you're expecting to take them out it's gonna be very hard to get all those little ones and they will be eaten.

how to breed fancy guppy fish in aquarium

But another thing like the key thing is basically you can see her stomach it looks like she swallowed a cube. When she's getting to this point you know it's time to put her into her breeding box and let her do a thing.

hat's pretty much it is as simple as that the final tip that I could give you is if you want to raise the fry quick you put them in an aquarium that's big and has lots of room for them because they will grow faster. You can turn the water up to 26 to 28 and I'll get them to grow faster. And also feed them a couple times a day keep them well-fed. Make sure you're doing every daily water changes or once every two days to keep that water quality up.
Labels: guppy

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